Maximizing the Unique Potential
of Each of Our Talmidim

Toras Simcha
is the place
for you!

Yeshivas Toras Simcha

At Yeshivas Toras Simcha we strive to maximize the unique potential of each of our talmidim enabling them to become lifelong bnei Torah both in bein adam lamakom and bein adam l’chaveiro. Many of our alumni continue in kollelim, and have become respected talmidei chachomim, mechanchim, menahalim and mechabrei sefarim. Others are baalei batim for whom Torah, avodah, gmeilus chasadim and chinuch habanim remain the focal points of their lives.

The yeshiva was launched over 20 years ago by a dedicated staff including the renowned HaGaon Rav Asher Zelig Rubenstein ztz''l, and continues to be deeply influenced by his ahavas haTorah, yiras shomayim and simchas hachayim. Boys from across the world have coalesced during the course of the years into the Toras Simcha family, remaining in touch with their chaverim and rabbeim years after they have left. Many of our talmidim continue with us into our kollel after marriage.

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